Pressure switch to operate burner or auto stop and start of machine. Plunger made of stainless steel. Available in 2 sizes 1/4"MPT and 3/8"MPT. 4050 PSI Max 195*F Max Temp....
Remote probe thermostat is a capillary tube thermostat that relies on expansion of a viscous liquid to open and close the switch. Max Temperature 250F . Ships with a 1/2"MPT...
Water activated switch to control the on and off of the burner. Suitable for pressure washers. Encapsulated in a plastic body and sealed from humidity and corrosive chemicals. 8GPM maximum...
Water activated switch to control the ON and OFF of the burner. The ST-6 can be mounted in any direction. 3/8" MPT Inlet 3/8" MPT Outlet 8GPM Maximum 1GPM Minimum...
A burner safety switch that opens when it senses the water from the burner is getting to hot and unsafe. Can be wired in series with the fuel solenoid or...